Yoga for weight loss - 30 minutes a day for a slim body

The article provides detailed information on yoga for weight loss, one of the most effective methods to eliminate fat deposits in various areas of your body. In addition, while studying the basic asanas for the back, arms, legs and abdomen, you will learn the basic rules of yoga, learn its useful properties and contraindications, and also receive informed recommendations on the formation of your own set of exercises.

What are the benefits of yoga

Yoga is the oldest Indian instrument for achieving inner and outer peace, as well as unity with the world.. . . Thanks to a purposeful set of exercises, everyone can ensure the desired well-being. In other words, it is advisable to properly develop a program using freely available exercises to achieve the goal.

At the same time, the main advantages of the weight loss method include:

  • Improving the general conditionorganism providing normalization of metabolism.
  • Flexibility.A weight loss program can be developed for almost anyone.
  • Improving potency. . . The right program will not only take care of extra pounds, but also restore male strength.
  • Strengthening women's health. . . Systematic exercise stimulates cells to rejuvenate and increase elasticity. You will start to feel younger and this is guaranteed to show in your appearance.
  • A woman practicing yoga
  • A new perception of life. . . Yoga classes motivate and change thinking. You will have new goals and energy to achieve them.
  • Inner peace. . . All worries and dissatisfactions will finally start to leave you, leaving behind only the experience. You will learn to accept the world around you as it is.
  • Increased endurance. . . After just a few sessions, you will feel toned, allowing you to perform many more daily tasks than you are used to.
  • Normalization. . . Weight doesn't just go away. You achieve ideal proportions that will restore normal health and vitality to your image.

Basic rules of yoga

To make yoga for weight loss as effective as the Tabata program, try to follow the basic rules with all your inherent responsibilities. You will quickly feel the result only if you show your discipline.

Yoga for weight loss

The basic rules of yoga include:

  • Consistency.Make your classes regular, on certain days and times.
  • Experienced instructor. . . If you have no experience in yoga, be sure to look for an experienced mentor. Only he will show you the main mistakes and give instructions on how to increase flexibility and relax the body through special breathing techniques.
  • Choose a clean place.An important point in yoga is where you plan to do the complex. It should be light and calm. It is important to choose the right place, as it will form the overall mood of the complex.
  • Move gradually. . . Do not deal with difficult postures immediately. Move on to them gradually without overworking your body. So you can develop the technique and eliminate possible problems associated with the lack of physical ability to perform this or that action.
  • Be aware of every move. . . Awareness is an important element of yoga. You need to clearly understand why you are doing a certain pose.

Basic asanas for weight loss

After learning the rules and basic principles of yoga, you can begin to get acquainted directly with the poses that will allow you to quickly lose unwanted weight. And then we offer you to get acquainted with several options for movements aimed at performing the task directly in certain problem areas.

Note!Constant practice of yoga allows not only to bring the body into proper shape, but also increases a person's personal concentration and improves the speed of thinking.

For the abdomen

Traditionally, you should start with the most problematic area, and the stomach in this case is more than a valid example.


This is the first pose we will look at. Its essence lies not only in the elimination of extra pounds, but also in a thorough study of the abdominal muscles. The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the upper torso, giving flexibility and strength to the back.

Bhujangasana posture for exercising the abdominal muscles

To do the exercise, lie on your stomach on the mat and rest your palms, which should be located directly under your shoulders. Your toes and chin should also touch the floor. As you inhale slowly, lift the torso of your arms and bend your back as far back as possible.

You should be in this position for 15 to 30 seconds.Then on a slow exhale you should return to the starting position. Repeat the weight loss exercise, preferably at intervals of 10-15 seconds, at least 5 times.


This posture aims to strengthen the central part of the abdomen, as well as improve digestion and flexibility for the whole body. To perform, lie on your stomach, bend your knees, grab your ankles with your hands and lift your shins. Then take a deep breath and bend down well, tearing your pelvis and chest off the floor.

Pose Dhanurasana

The head should also be pulled back as far as possible.You should stand in this position for about 15-30 seconds.and then return to the starting position at the exit. It should be repeated 5 times with a break of 10-15 seconds.

Note!For best effect, you can swing a little while lifting.


This pose is aimed at burning fat in the waist area. It also has a positive effect on appetite and leg muscles. First you need to lie on your back, stretch your legs and put your hands on your body, palms up. Inhale slowly and lift your legs. Do not bend them at the knees, try to lift them as high as possible and keep them upright.

Naukasana posture for burning fat in the waist area

Then try to touch your toes with your hands. With all this you need to keep your body at an angle of 45 degrees. You should be in this position for at least 15 seconds, then return to starting position and repeat after 15 seconds.In total you need to do 5 exercises.


This pose is often called a board. As a result of the exercise you not only lose weight, but also take care of strengthening the muscles of the arms, legs, back, abdomen and neck. The classic pose requires you to kneel and put your hands in front of you.

Kumbhakasana pose - board

Then you should straighten your legs, standing on the tips of your toes, and raise your head, looking in front of you. From head to toe, your body should show a straight line. You should be in this position for 15 to 30 seconds.. . . It should be repeated 5 times at intervals of 15 seconds.


Posture designed to strengthen the abdomen and hips and relieve pain in the lumbar region. In addition, proper functioning normalizes bowel function, reduces acidity and significantly speeds up metabolism. The execution will force you to lie on your back, stretch your legs and place your arms parallel to them.

Pose of Pavanamuktashan

Then, as you inhale, stretch your legs, keeping your heels together, and as you exhale, bend them at the knees and slowly bring them to your chest. Wrap your arms around them and fix the position for 60-90 seconds. After exhaling, return to starting position. This operation should be done 5 times with a break of 15 seconds.

Note!It is important to breathe deeply throughout the procedure.

For the legs

Often the legs also suffer from a poor diet or lifestyle. That is, you may need to remove fat from them. To do this, get acquainted with the following asanas.


This is pretty easy to do. Standing upright, squeeze your legs tightly, raise your arms up, palms facing each other and sit until your knees form a right angle.You need to stay like this for 2 to 5 minutes.and try to pull your spine hard up. Climb slowly without pulling.

Weakened posture


This position is popularly called "birch". Lie on the floor, then while exhaling, raise your legs above your head. The legs should be together. At the same time try to tear off the lower back. Fix the body of the hands with the helpYou should stay in this position as long as possible, remembering to breathe deeply, then slowly return your body to its original state.

Sarvangasana pose - birch

Note!Thanks to numerous studies, experts have been able to prove the fact of significantly reducing anxiety and improving well-being in people who regularly practice yoga.

For the back

Oddly enough, the back also suffers from overweight, especially with a prolonged improper lifestyle of the individual. To get rid of the accumulated effect, yoga also offers special poses.

Virabhadrasana II

A practical way to strengthen and remove deposits from the muscles of the back. While you are upright, jump a little andspread your legs about 130 cm apart. . . Then spread your arms out to the side. At the same time, the palms should face the floor.

Virabhadrasana II posture to strengthen the muscles of the back

Rotate your right leg so that it is at a right angle and facing the right side. At this point, the left leg also straightens and turns and both legs must remain in the same line. The right leg is required to bend at the knee to 90 degrees.

Aim your right hand at your right foot and your left hand at your left. Turn your head to the bent knee. You need to stay in this position for 1 minute and then switch to the side.


Sit on your stomach and place your hands on your body. Then start pulling your head, chest, arms and legs back at the same time.At the same time, the stomach cannot open.. . . Remember to lift and tense your buttocks. You need to stay in this position as long as possible.

Pose Shalabhasana

For hands

Another group of exercises that we will look at are hand postures. They, like the legs, are severely affected by fat deposits. Follow these two simple exercises to restore muscle tone and the appearance of your arms.

Adho Muha Svanasana

Climb on all fours so that your legs and arms are shoulder-width apart. Press your fingers to the ground and slowly enter a position while aligning your knees. At the same time, the foot should be completely on the floor.Do this pose for at least a minute.. . . Then, returning to the starting position, take a break for 15 seconds and repeat the cycle several more times.

Adho Mukha Svanasana Pose


This pose is aimed at restoring the muscles of the arms. Get on all fours. The arms and legs will need to be turned vertically and the weight of the body will have to be transferred to the left arm. Then lift your right arm off the floor and rotate your whole body forward so that your left arm and knee of the same name are on the floor.

Vasishthasana pose for muscle recovery in the arms

The rest of the body should be in a horizontal plane. Breathe with your stomach and fix this position as long as possible. Then repeat the same process for the opposite hand.

Tips for improving efficiency

In order for weight loss yoga to bring the same positive effect as aerobics, we recommend not to ignore the general rules that are interpreted by famous mentors from around the world.

Reference:UNESCO lists yoga as an intangible cultural heritage.

To improve efficiency:

  • Do not overeat.
  • Avoid any spicy foods.
  • Give up sweets and starchy foods.
  • Go vegetarian if possible.
  • Avoid tea and prefer purified water.
Yoga and nutrition for effective weight loss


Like running for weight loss, the weight loss method discussed in this article has a number of contraindications that you need to consider.

Attention!Ignoring these factors will impair your overall well-being and is likely to lead to serious pain and complications.

To prevent this, try to visit your family doctor before starting lessons and doing a full body examination. Also try to remember the basic list of contraindications.

It is forbidden to do yoga for weight loss when:

  • The total severity of the condition. For example, when you have been struggling with a disease for a long time and you have already managed to lose a lot of weight.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Organic lesions of the cardiovascular system. It is forbidden to practice yoga for heart disease, tachycardia, arrhythmias and aneurysms.
  • Blood diseases and various infectious injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Severe TBI and severe injuries to the spine, as well as in violation of the general structure of the body.
  • Malignant neoplasms.

Yoga is a tool for achieving a perfect inner and outer state. . . Every year there are more and more practitioners of this art, which is the main sign of high efficiency. Find a responsible mentor, tame all the subtleties and nuances of the exercises you need to lose weight, and achieve the perfect figure with minimal effort.